Sunday, June 1, 2014

Masterpiece Academy Question

I feel that all the students in the class deserved to be treated as colleagues. The reason I feel this way is because the curriculum was set up for an arena of discussion. It encouraged me and my classmates to discuss and challenge each other.  We were also given the freedom to generate ideas and to make gut decisions or comments in class. We may not have agreed with another person’s opinion but we respected each other.  


Although not to the extent of what happened in Poisonwood Bible, I saw myself in Nathan. He put himself and his family at risk for the mere fact that he wanted to spread his religion. He was so driven to spread his religion that nothing was going to stop him. I get the same way when I am really passionate about something. That “thing” for me right now is physical therapy.


The passion that drives me currently is to further my education. If I don’t further my education I can’t move forward to my ultimate goal of becoming a Physical therapist. That is why I am going to be majoring in Kinesiology at Sacramento State next year. No matter what decisions those around me are making, I feel like I have almost always made the right ones because I am so driven to reach my goal.


The thing that made me laugh out loud in this class was reading “Brave New World” and how they went about controlling their society through the creation of their class system. The class system just seemed totally ridiculous to me. They purposely created people with disabilities when they could’ve just created everyone equal.


I noticed that most people, including myself looked like a dear in the headlight while presenting their passions. While presenting we kind of fumbled through trying to find the right words to say, knowing we had a class full of intelligent kids staring at us waiting for us as the presenter to paint a picture in their minds of how we see our passion.


I thought that I did relatively good work in this class along with my other classes. You can’t really argue with a 4.2 grade point average. This class showed me how important networks are because they not only allow you to reach out to others for information, but for other to reach out to you. Collaboration is a great way to learn because one person can start out with an idea and the other people in that network can add to it to make it something great.

Monday, April 14, 2014

MacBeth Reading Notes

·         Lady Macbeth alarms people by moving in her sleepwalking trance like state, complains of blood on her hands

·         Macbeth wildly making military preparations

·         Macbeth confident in his army over the approaching Englishmen, worried about Lady Macbeth

·         Macbeth is informed about Death of queen and approaching “forest” which is actually army in disguise

·         Alarms Macbeth because the “forest army” is fulfilling the first part of the witches death prophecy for Macbeth

·         Claims he will at least die fighting

·         Macbeth and Macduff fight on the battle field, Macduff wins and returns with Macbeth’s head to castle

Friday, April 11, 2014


Look At My Brain

Right now I'm just researching as much as I can on my person interest which is physical therapy. I'm not really sure how I am going to present it to the class yet. So as of now I just need a way to present it so it will not be boring for the class

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Lit Analysis #1

No Exit

Summary: I believe the summary of this book is how people torture us. This day and age we let people limit us and put negative thoughts in our heads. We choose to believe other people's opinions rather than just doing your own research and having your way of doing things or your opinions.

Theme: We don't believe in ourselves. We let other people control our actions, thoughts, and words by letting them fill our mind with garbage. Have self confidence.
Tone: The authors tone is very harsh. The way he describes the torture for Estelle, Garcin, and Inez is very cruel and hard. I think just being in one room with the same people everyday can kill a mam. Describing hell even when they don't want to is very harsh also.
Literary Elements:

Symbolism: Hell is supposed to be torture and awful but instead their hell is nice with couches and sofas. Also the torture chamber is just a drawing room.

Diction: The way the characters talk to each other and always bicker and fight is a interesting choice of diction.

Characterization: There are so many different ways of characterization and one is Garcin's lack of confidence. He always ask for other peoples opinions and approval. The protagonists are static because they don't stop the mind games going on by all of them. They go crazy without even realizing they can avoid it.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Essay Rough Draft: (1979)

Choose a complex and important character in a novel or a play of
recognized literary merit who might, on the basis of the character’s actions alone,
be considered evil or immoral. In a well-organized essay, explain both how and
why the full presentation of the character in the work makes us react more
sympathetically than we otherwise might. Avoid plot summary.

       In Brave New World Huxley portrays John as an immoral person in many different ways. The most clear way was by naming him John the savage. As the book goes on it becomes more and more apparent that John is immoral by the World State's standards because he refuses premarital sex, he cares about death, is against the use of soma, and demands emotional commitment. The people within the society do not understand him because they are all told to believe in certain things from the day they are born, which leaves John to be an outsider due to their opposing beliefs. This ultimately leaves the reader no choice but to feel sympathetic towards him.
       In the World State everyone is taught to believe in a certain way of living, anyone who believes different is looked at as immoral. John "the Savage" was looked at as immoral by the World State due to the fact that he was unable to adapt to their society and their beliefs. He didn't believe in the use of soma, the way people "have each other", and almost anything else the people of society believed in. At one point we even see him throw soma out of a window which is seen as immoral by the World State. Huxley uses indirect characterization by naming him John "The Savage", to show the reader right up front that he is an immoral character.
       From the moment we meet John until the end of the book when we find out that he hung himself, we see that he is constantly punishing himself. For example, when John finds himself enjoying making tools while he is in the 'wilderness', he punishes himself for the fact of enjoyment. "But, John... I thought you were... I mean, aren't you?...", Lenina doesn't understand why John wont have her, even though he likes her. John punishes himself when he thinks of Lenina in an intimate way because he sees it as an impure thought. We can relate to John because he wants to be good, just like we do. Us as readers can't help but feel for him in this situation because he wants to be with her more than anything, but can't be due to the lack of emotional commitment on her part.
       To someone that has not read the book john may seem like a normal guy, but to someone that has read the book and sees that Huxley is portraying the World Sate to be the "normal" civilization will note that John is immoral, due to the fact that he goes against all their beliefs. Huxley causes us to fully see John's immorality when he kills himself at the end of the book. No matter what angle you look at this, whether it's from the World State's or from your own personal view, the act of one committing suicide is seen as immoral.
        John's character was created by Huxley to be the protagonist in the novel and in some ways make the World State seem less immoral. As the book goes on Huxley makes John seem more immoral and out of place. This is what causes us to feel sympathetic towards him, he becomes so lonely and frustrated that he turns to suicide. Huxley used that as a way to connect the readers life to the book because this sort of thing happens in the real world.