Sunday, August 18, 2013

Austen/montaigne Essay

"What goes on inside is just too fast and huge and all interconnected for words to do more than barely sketch the outlines of at most one tiny little part of it at any given instant." I believe this fits perfectly with Montaigne's techniques and topics. He didn't care about the structure of his writing he just wrote what he was thinking at that exact moment.

I believe Montaigne used his essays as away to get other people to think about the same things he did. He didn't care about the format or the length of his essays, he just used them as a network to express what was on his mind. Montaigne's aim was to above all exercise his own judgement freely and properly.His writing style provided a window into what he was thinking because, as i said before, he just wrote about whatever he was thinking at that moment. 
Austen planned out her book more and made sure everything fit in order, where as Montaigne just wrote whatever he had on his mind. Austen wrote books one story at a time, but Montaigne's book had all sorts of topics. Austen liked to build up the plot like most writers do. As you can see by reading a couple of Montaigne's essays, he couldn't have cared less about building a plot because he just wanted to write his thoughts down. Austen's Pride and Prejudice was a novel based on fiction, unlike Montaigne's essays that were based on reality.
I believe the quote in the opening paragraph fits perfectly because some of Montaigne's deep and complex essays may not make sense to a lot of people. Montaigne's writing style is very unique because not many authors that i know of just write whatever is on their mind.  

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