Sunday, August 25, 2013

Beowulf (my part)

[Beowulf Returns Home] (lines 1799-2199, pp. 71-79)

3.Beowulf reports to Hygelac that Hrothgar may marry his daughter Freawaru to Ingeld. Why does he plan to do that? What does Beowulf expect the result will be? (Remember the Finn story, lines 1070-1158.) How does Beowulf think the peace will be broken? Is this the type of report we expected from the hero Beowulf, or are we seeing a new side of him?
- Beowulf plans to do this because he wants Hygelac to be aware that Ingeld and Dane may turn against Geat. Beowulf expects the result to be bad because he thinks the peace will be broken by someone bringing up the old violence and feud. Over time with everything he has been through, Beowulf has become focused, confident, and gained courage.

4.How does Beowulf report about his own adventures? Does he report accurately?
- Beowulf reports that his adventures are accurate for the most part, but at times he exaggerates a little.

5.What does Beowulf do with the treasure he was given? What does Hygelac give him? 
- Beowulf, out of respect, gives the treasure to Hygelac. In return Hgelac gives him a jeweled sword, 7000 hides, land, a hall, and a throne. 

[The Dragon Wakes] (lines 2200-2509, pp. 79-86) (me)

1.How much later does Part 2 take place? What kings have died in the meanwhile? What danger now exists?- Part 2 takes place 50 years later. The kings that have died in the meanwhile are Hygelac and Heardred. Danger now exists and it is a dragon.

2.Why is the dragon angry? Why did the man take a cup? How did the treasure come to be there in the first place?
- The dragon is angry because a thief stole a goblet from the treasure trove the dragon was guarding. The treasure got there because an ancient race that was doomed to perish began to bury their treasures there, and the dragon found it.

3.What did the dragon destroy that evening?
- The dragon came out to attack Geat people and destroyed their properties.

4.Why does Beowulf think his home was burnt? Why does he order a new shield? How will he fight this battle? What will happen to him?
- He thinks his house got burnt because he did something that displeased the gods. He orders a new shield that cannot be burned by the dragon. He ends up fighting the battle without a sword or shield, but he is bringing men with him. He is confident about this battle.

5.How did Hygelac die? (The description in lines 2354-2379 begins one of several versions of Geatish history and Hygelac's death we will get.) What did Beowulf do after Hygelac's death? What happened when he returned home? Did he accept Hygd's offer to become king?
- Hygelac died in Friesland during a battle by a Frankish king. Beowulf killed the Frankish king because he killed Hygelac. When Beowulf returned home Hygd offered him to be king, but he refused out of respect for his younger cousin.

6.What happened to Hygelac's son Heardred? (That's the story in lines 2380-2390.) How did Beowulf plan to revenge Heardred's death (lines 2391-2396)
- He was killed in battle against the Swedes. He helps Eagils kill Onela, the Swedish king.

7.How many men accompany Beowulf as he goes to meet the dragon?
- Twelve men including himself went with him to meet the dragon.

8.What happened to Hygelac's oldest brother Herebeald? Who killed him? What did this do to his father King Hrethel? What happened between the Swedes and Geats after Hrethel's death? What happened to Haethcyn? How did Beowulf revenge Hygelac's death? 
Herebeald was killed by accident by the Haethcyn with an arrow. His father died for grief over his sons death. Battles broke out between the Swedish and Geats after Herebeald's death. Haethcynwas killed during battle. Beowulf got his revenge for Hygelac's death by killing Dayraven, a Frankish warrior.  

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