Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Vocabulary #3

Apostate: Abandoning a religious or political belief or principle.
-He was tired of people judging him so he just decided to apostate his religion.

Effusive: Expressing feelings of gratitude, pleasure, or approval.
-The review on the new movie were mostly effusive.

Impasse: A situation in which no progress is possible.
-The peace talks reached an impasse, so the parties left to assess their position.

Euphoria: A feeling of great happiness.
-He was filled with euphoria when he heard the news of the birth of his son

Lugubrious: Looking or sounding sad or dismal.
-They were very lugubrious after loosing the championship.

Bravado: A bold manner or a show of boldness intended to impress or intimidate.
-His show of bravado as he climbed into the boxing ring was undermined by his shaking knees.

Consensus: A general agreement.
-When the class was asked to vote on the homework assignments they hated most, the consensus was that math assignments were the worst.

Dichotomy: A division or contrast between two things.
-I like the dichotomy of going from the freezing outdoors to the hot sauna.

Constrict: Make narrower.
-The economy can slow or constrict when consumer demand is lower.

Gothic: Characterized by or emphasizing a gloomy setting and grotesque or violent events.
-They were reading a story by Poe that had a dark and Gothic tone

Punctilio: A fine or petty point of conduct.
-The clerk was so punctilious in obeying the court rules that I had to remind him why I was there.

Metamorphosis: A complete transformation.
-I underwent a real metamorphosis in my junior high and early high school years from a weak boy to a strong young man.

Raconteur: A person who tells anecdotes in a skill and amusing way.
-When the raconteur began his story, everyone stopped to listen.

Sine qua non: An essential or indispensable element or condition.
-Sugar is a sine qua non to make a cake.

Quixotic: Exceedingly idealistic; unrealistic and impractical.
-The villain's plan of world domination was obviously quixotic.

Vendetta: A prolonged feud, typically between two families.
-The evil group of business owners had a vendetta against the bank.

Non sequitur: An argument in which the conclusion does not follow the premises.
-The speaker's logic contained a non sequitur and was thereby flawed.

Mystique: An aura or attitude of mystery.
-There is a certain mystique about py

Quagmire: A difficult, precarious or entrapping position.
-She was put in a quagmire when her sister and friend asked her to hangout at the same time.

Parlous: Full of danger.
-Iraq is a very parlous place.

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